Myfanwy Ashmore

Myfanwy is an artist. An alien. A human. Femme Fatale but not fatal. A tiny fairy pixie mushroom finder with four leaf clover hair. Incessant walker with a new bionic back. An occasional sound artist with violin leanings. Reverse engineering objects, and sometimes people. Not boring. Not perfect. Creator of creations. Weird relationship to the universe. Always curious. Loves her friends, family, dogs, cats and is an eternal optimist even in the face of whatever the weird world is currently serving up, wow.

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Placeholder for portfolio blurb


Info about grant writing, technical consultations (for media artists), organizational consulting,


Experience and CV

Studio experiments

Check out what’s going on in Myfanwy’s studio

Project Management


Dealer & Purchase inquires

Myfanwy’s works are available for purchase. For information regarding game works & private and institutional collections, small works and dealer contacts.

There’s a reason we make art

yes there is


Stay in the loop with Myfanwy’s exhibitions and other news from the backyard studio.