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I am working on a series of works titled New Machines for Inefficiency. The completed work syslogd is one of the works in this series. Another sub series within this work is titled Tiny Sweetness Machines. I am constructing a tiny bed that dumps off the blanket and the blanket then crawls back onto the bed. This gesture repeats itself in an endless tenacious, frustrating and humourous loop.

As well, within the main series New Machines for Inefficiency I am constructing a series of “devices for interacting with strangers”. These are multi user awkward interfaces that allow people to communicate through a non verbal mediated device.

I am grateful to the Canada Council for the Arts for funding for this series.


In progress works:


Smiles (title as of yet to be determined)


This work will likely manifest through the interpretation of acquired data from scraping the internet for something (as of yet to be determined). The smile will change according to data. The cell phone screen smile will be framed in a tiny guilded frame to be mounted on a wall at eye level.


Bed (title as of yet to be determined)

A tiny bed that dumps off the blanket and the blanket then crawls back onto the bed. This gesture repeats itself in an endless tenacious, frustrating and humourous loop.

See the video - early stages here


Device for interacting with strangers


Paper lung (part of Paper Automatons - that won't be part of the singularity)

See the video here