


















































Dear Sirs


In private collection, Brussels, Belgium. Editions available.

Exhibited in Reset: post-consumer gamer culture at Platform Gallery, Winnipeg with Party Time! Hexcellent!, Clint Enns, Ian Bogost, Max Capacity, Myfanwy Ashmore, Haydi Rocket. Curated by Skot Deeming.

Exhibited in net.works including Kenton Sheely, notendo,anna anthropy,Christian Streinz, Aaron Oldenburg, Jose Acosta,Jason Nelson,Myfanwy Ashmore, Gavin Bailey, Tom Corby & Jonathan Mackenzie,Hannah Epstein,Alex Myers, coll.eo.at Vector Game Art Festival. Curated by Clint Enns, Skot Deeming, Katie Micak, Christine Kim.

Marking time – the participant is required to mark time along with the poet in order to experience the poem. For each stroke on the touch screen with the stylus - one letter of the poem is sequentially revealed. Referencing the famous poem “What you say” by John Cage, this work uses mesostics and embedded numbers to reveal a location – both virtual and physical, and a rejection of participation in problematic systems.


server monkey server monkey
fix the dns
what you say?
Don't Nobody Say
where it is you are
two oh five dot
two one one dot
one six eight dot
one eight
you're no longer my
ten dot oh
dot one dot one
in the closet
Our Catatonic Artist Dies
(found later in john cage's car)
./running a poem called
i quit i quit i quit my IT job
dot script
the girl

Updated version

mobilepoems updated vimeo from Myfanwy Ashmore on Vimeo.


Early version

Gameboy poetry from Myfanwy Ashmore on Vimeo.