For Current (in progress) Research: New Machines for Inefficiency
New Machines for Inefficiency: Devices for Interacting with Strangers
Two devices for two participants to communicate with each other non verbally using prosthetic controllable eyes.
Syslogd is a two part installation consisting of a video and a dying animatronic bird.
A mechanical copper moth flutters inside a box trapped. The audio element in this work is the mechanical sound of the fluttering inside the box. This work is an homage to the beautiful nuisance within a series of works called Sylogd.
Sistren Sphagnum is an installation within a forest on the property of the Don Blanche residency. In August 2013 I was invited to participate in the Don Blanche Residency.
Over the course of 10 days, I created an installation to be installed within the forest on the property.
A tissue paper dress made from a World War II vintage pattern left out in the rain on a clothesline to disintegrate.
Flop is a two part installation consisting of a game and a somewhat obscurely installed projected floppy disk.
Two haiku poems that function as family portraits on the Nintendo Gameboy.
Mobile Poems: TTC not a Haiku -
scrollable TTC map & poem on a Nintendo Ds.
.exe is a poem exploring scribbling, writing scripts in the workplace and waiting on a Nintendo DS
Dear Sirs is a workplace related resignation poem and marking of time using mesostics to embed secret information within the poem on a Nintendo DS
A poem on the Nintendo DS that requires the participant to tap the touch screen to reveal the discussion about creative energy and burnout.
Annulus Circuits
A bunch of wearables for dancers for a performance: Mobius Rings
A two person sweater controller. The users wearing the sweater collaborate to control the "game"
43o40'22.60'' N 79o26'04.80'' W -Google earth rooftop quilt
A collaborative project involving many volunteers constructing a quilt for a rooftop installation to be embedded into the Google Earth system over 4 years.
Facebook friends both known and unknown were contacted to come and hold my new baby.
A machinima video where I control Nico Bellic in Grand Theft Auto IV an make him dance inside his safehouse.
A video project project exploring notions of home.Take a ride on a salmon through the wilds of suburbia
Women from horror movies edited so they appear to dance to Bill Munroe's blue grass tunes.
gameover zombientation in ascii on a white backround. ascii letters disappear and the meanings along with it.
The sombrella - an umbrella on a microphonoe stand spins one way then reverses itself repeatedly.
surveillance devices for retired cold war spies at parties
Two hats with baby monitors embedded in them - with long cables - plugged into the wall.
A cold war era red suitcase with ticking timer embedded ticks away, as well as a metronome in encased in a metal box. turn the ticker, and you will hear a sweet accordian lullabye en francais: dors dors petit enfant emmanating from a Klaxon emergency loudspeaker. when the time runs out - the metronome starts again.
Five giant paper fabricated wheat weevils with tiny motors,infest and dig in a mason jar filled with wheat kernels. touch the jar -a sensed intrusion - the motion is frozen.
An iron controls image of my great grandmother and her son who died in Burma in WWII. As the iron is moved around - the image of my grandfather (infant) disappears and reappears.
A futile attempt at locating friends through the terminal
Exploring the sh command and the desire for calm
terminal poetry: this terminal poem
exploring the built in terminal commands and their potential social meanings
Thoughts and scripts run as visual poems wondering about existence
I played the game ZombieNation to achieve a score of 000000. The gameover screen fades to black. This video was a response to Clear Channel censoring another work for Dundas Square.
... -.-- -- -... .. --- - . / - . .- -.-. .... / -- . / .... --- .-- / - --- / ..-. .-.. -.--
fluttering paper moths and motors
mario going nowhere
I modified the game to break it so Mario walks and gets stuck on the block for infinity.The controller becomes useless as well.
mario trilogy
The various hacked mario game rom games grouped together as a trilogy
Accumulated power cables while I was working as an IT Technician at the Ontario College of Art & Design rolled into a big ball
A giant yarn ball controlls behaviour & flight of a tiny animated moth
An interactive singing faucet: singing "je suis malade et malheureuse...."
I played various games to reach a score of zero, avoiding all enemies, goals, monetary rewards. The Gameover screens were then printed on canvas.
Some posters around Seoul,Korea
A hacked video game rom: swims around and runs out of air
A hacked video game rom: mario trapped behind walls doing time
An interactive phone & video installation using custom ringdown circuit, microcontrollers, video & Max/Msp
a hacked video game rom that people can play
A series of embroidered wall socket cosies installed over exisiting wall sockets.
A communication device to interact with "Rotting Grapefruits"
A chair with embedded sensor, sink with audio speakers, computer controlled audio.
An interactive wall socket sound installation built for Rob Ray's Deadtech Gallery in Chicago for an exhibition with Norm White.
An interactive wall socket/sound installation
Collaborative sound piece using electromagnetic signals from office computers & am/fm radio.
Wall socket controllers for interactive video installation in which the children in a photograph disappear.
Space bear transmitting help requests, and emitting air traffic control information
interactive talking wall sockets
Interactive talking wall sockets
ARCHIVES: (In progress - digging through the archives. contact me if you need any of this info urgently)
intimacy machines: the entity
A php scripted web entity (note: site no longer active, only main page archive)
A pod/sphere constructed of stuffed animal pelts
soundtrack of the transcanada highway
Crocheted rabbit embroidered with resistors and photocell in eye inside suitcase + computer audio.
I've got a new heart
A video edit mix of cartoons, plundered sounds and myself
some fetish clothes
Clear plastic clothing with implanted digital voice recorders
A modified toy rabbit from my childhood
chemical suit/dad said don't lick the glowy tape
Modified chemical paper suit with bunny ears inspired by playing quake.
A bunny in space suit/diving suit with water bubbling around inside it's head, powered by aquarium pump, attached to a sink
A chaos star embedded with photo cells to interact with to hear poetry composed randomly from collection of themed words contrasting intimacy and technology
plastique e strange
A bunny encased in sheet plastic emitting sound from it's eyes
pixel love
pixel love website circa 1996
you feel so good
A steel bed, pillow, video with deep voice saying: you feel so good
mutant bunny
A modified toy car & fabricated mutant bunny - voice activated with 3 commands. Requires yelling
hypnocrit starring mesmerelda
A trapeze powered by electro magnets, video loop
spinning bed
A mechanical interactive examination bed
the yellow wallpaper
A speed relative talking bicycle wheel
contact with zebtron
A space helmet with radio disruption device, rubber satellite dish with radio
Two sock bunnies that plug into the wall and are curled up together spooning
2.2 uf 50 v 9,000 hz
A painting of rabbit plugged in with a capacitor between its ears.
electric diptych
Two paintings of children. One with wall socket and one with anexit sign